The following information covers the flow and messaging calls for an expert messaging API.
It is assumed that your application will handle user authentication and will track/store the tokens and identity of said user.
These are in order of flow for expert messaging.
JustAnswer Endpoint Examples
Obligatory headers
This header is used to pass the accessToken which you will recieve when you call SSO API. Access Token can be used till its expiry after which new access token will be required.
This header is used to check ApiKey. ApiKey is validated if it is active and have access to the api. In this header ApiKey value should be passed, this ApiKey will be provided for each environment.
This header is used to pass the userToken for api to then determine for which user the request is performed. In this header customer unique identificatory should be passed.
SSO Resource
To interact with the JustAnswer APIs, first obtain an access token by making a request to the designated endpoint. This response will include the access token along with its expiration time (in seconds).Be sure to include the access token in the header of all subsequent requests as an "Authorization" field to access additional resources.
Access Token represents a token acquired for accessing JustAnswer APIs.
Available Endpoint | Description |
Get Access Token | Get Access token to access JustAnswer APIs. |
Question Resource
Question is the main entity in terms of this API. It represents customer and expert conversation. Use Question API endpoints to post or retrieve customer’s questions.
QuestionToken uniquely represents a question.
Available Endpoint | Description |
Post Customer Question | Post the customer question in order to get an expert answer. |
Get Question | Returns question entity for specific customer. |
Get All Questions for specific customer | Returns information about all questions posted by a customer. |
Entity format:
Property | Description | Data Type |
token | Question token that uniquely represents question | string |
text | Question text that was posted by customer | string |
attachments | List of the attachment entities | array |
postedDate | DateTime in UTC when the question was posted | datetime |
isClosed | Is the question closed | bool |
lastMessage | Last Message | Message |
Message Resource
A message is the entity that represents the unit of the conversation. Messages could be posted by customers or experts.
MessageToken uniquely represents a message.
Available Endpoint | Description |
Add Question Message | Add question message from customer |
Accept Expert Answer | Accept the answer proposed by the expert. |
Mark Messages Read | Marks that messages were read by a customer. |
Entity format:
Property | Description | Data Type |
token | Message token that uniquely represents a message | string |
postedDate | DateTime in UTC when the message was posted | datetime |
questionToken | Question token that uniquely represents the question | string |
textMessage | Message text | string |
htmlMessage | Message Html | string |
attachments | List of the attachment entities | array |
isExpertMessage | Indicates if the message was posted by an expert | bool |
type | Type of message, indicating who posted it | string |
isMessageExpertProposedAnswer | Indicates if this message is a proposed answer from an expert | bool |
isMessageExpertAcceptedAnswer | Indicates if this message was accepted as an answer by the customer | bool |
isMessageRead | Indicates if this message read | bool |
sequence | Sequence of messages in question | string |
authorId | Author Id | string |
Feedback Resource
Feedback represents feedback that was posted by a customer to the question answer.
Available endpoint | Description |
Post Answer Rating | Post answer rating after the conversation was finished |
Entity format:
Property | Description | Data Type |
text | Feedback text that was posted by customer | string |
ratingFeedbackNumber | Feedback rating representation in number | int |
datecreated | DateTime in UTC when the feedback was posted | datetime |
Expert Resource
Expert resource represents general info about expert to show it on the question page.
ExpertToken uniquely represents expert.
Available endpoint |
Description |
Get Expert Profile |
Retrieve the expert profile for the question |
Entity format:
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
token |
Expert token that uniquely represents expert |
string |
name |
Expert name |
string |
jobDescription |
Expert’s professional experience and description |
string |
rating |
Expert’s rating that was given on the JA platform |
string |
totalNumberOfRatings |
Amount of customers that rated this expert |
string |
avatarUrlBig |
Expert’s avatar big version url |
url |
avatarUrlSmall |
Expert’s avatar small version url |
url |
Attachment Resource
Attachment resource represents an image that could be uploaded and added to the message. This image will then be reviewed by experts.
Attachments don’t have a token that uniquely represents it. Link uniquely represents it.
Available Endpoint |
Description |
Upload Attachment |
Upload the attachment. This endpoint is used only for file uploading to cloud and getting a URL for this file. |
Entity format:
Property |
Description |
Data Type |
url |
Url where the image was uploaded |
url |
name |
File name |
string |
Endpoint Details
Get Access Token
Get Access Token to use JustAnswer APIs for 24 hours
//Request example
POST /connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: application/json
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
client_id | true | To be provided by JustAnswer Team | string |
client_secret | true | To be provided by JustAnswer Team | string |
Example response
{ "access_token": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890QzAwMkRBNjEyNjAyMUFCNUU3RjFFMjhEIiwidHlwIjoiYXQrand0In0.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwOi8vc3RzLm9yZC5wZWFybC5sb2NhbCIsIm5iZiI6MTcyOTg0Mjc5MiwiaWF0IjoxNzI5ODQyNzkyLCJleHAiOjE3Mjk5MjkxOTIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZXh0ZXJuYWxpbnRlZ3JhdGlvbmFwaS5qdXN0YW5zd2VyLmNvbSIsInNjb3BlIjpbImV4dGVybmFsQXBpLmNsaWVudCJdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJleHRlcm5hbC1hcGktcGFydG5lci5jbGllbnQiLCJqdGkiOiI3MTYyRjNBMDNENUU3ODkyMjZCNEJBMzk5NkJCQ0M4NiJ9.l6kllcIVlt9pyyw2rzFStDff-8PNQiLpRYiipBoh9-qdG0iwnfjJ2PPrKXzLZMTevfKr0pK2D5YzMHV4R6JrFc06HMbsLEFzqApAnswvW5A86VwgcrJBgqJWJ08FEIB_sddfghhjkq2er45y", "expires_in": 86400, "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "externalApi.client" }
Post Customer Question
Post the customer question in order to get an expert answer.
//Request example
POST /api/v2/questions/post HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
{ "message":"This is question text" }
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
message | true | Question message that should be posted | string |
categoryName | optional | CategoryName for Question. If not passed, default category for organization will be picked | string |
Example response
{ "status":true, "message":"", "data": { "questionToken":"e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8" } }
Get Question
Returns question entity for specific customer.
Request Example:
GET /api/v2/questions/e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8 HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization: Bearer {accessToken} X-Api-Key:181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d UserIdToken: {userToken} Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Accept-Charset: utf-8
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
questionToken | true | Question token for which information should be returned | string |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "", "data": { "question": { "token": "e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8", "isClosed": false, "text": "This is a question", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg" } ], "postedDate": "2022-02-02 12:12:12", "lastMessage": { "token": "!41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_1!", "posted": "2022-02-02 12:12:25", "questionToken": "e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8", "text": "answer", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg", "contentLength": null } ], "isExpertMessage": true, "expert": { "token": "8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725", "name": "John Expert", "getSmallestPhotoUri": "url" }, "feedback": { "text": "feedback text", "ratingFeedbackNumber": 5, "dateCreated": "2022-02-02 12:12:25" }, "hasFeedback": true, "type": "ExpertResponse", "isMessageExpertProposedAnswer": false, "isMessageExpertAcceptedAnswer": false, "isMessageCustomerResponse": false } }, "messages": [ { "token": "!41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_1!", "posted": "2022-02-02 12:12:25", "questionToken": "e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8", "text": "answer", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg", "contentLength": null } ], "isExpertMessage": true, "expert": { "token": "8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725", "name": "John Expert", "getSmallestPhotoUri": "url" }, "feedback": { "text": "feedback text", "ratingFeedbackNumber": 5, "dateCreated": "2022-02-02 12:12:25" }, "hasFeedback": true, "type": "ExpertResponse", "isMessageExpertProposedAnswer": false, "isMessageExpertAcceptedAnswer": false, "isMessageCustomerResponse": false } ], "experts": [ { "token": "8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725", "name": "Expert", "jobDescription": "JustAnswer expert", "rating": 5, "totalNumberOfRatings": 3082, "avatarUrlBig": "url", "avatarUrlSmall": "url" } ] } }
Get All Questions for specific customer
Returns information about all questions posted by a customer.
//Request example
GET /api/v2/questions?page=1&pageSize=10 HTTP/1.1 Host: X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d Authorization: Bearer {accessToken} UserIdToken: {userToken} questionToken Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Accept-Charset: utf-8
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
page | false | Indicates the nth page of results is required. This is the same as saying skip (page - 1) * pageSize entries. Default 1 | int |
pagesize | false | Number of entries to return in this call. Default 20 | int |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "", "data": { "questions": [ { "token": "e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8", "isClosed": false, "text": "This is a question", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg" } ], "postedDate": "2022-02-02 12:12:12", "lastMessage": { "token": "!41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_1!", "posted": "2022-02-02 12:12:25", "questionToken": "e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8", "text": "answer", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg", "contentLength": null } ], "isExpertMessage": true, "expert": { "token": "8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725", "name": "John Expert", "getSmallestPhotoUri": "url" }, "feedback": { "text": "feedback text", "ratingFeedbackNumber": 5, "dateCreated": "2022-02-02 12:12:25" }, "hasFeedback": true, "type": "ExpertResponse", "isMessageExpertProposedAnswer": false, "isMessageExpertAcceptedAnswer": false, "isMessageCustomerResponse": false } } ], "pageNumber": 0, "totalPages": 0, "count": 0 } }
Add Question Message
Add question message from customer
Endpoint POST{questionToken}/messages
//Request example
POST /api/v2/questions/e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8/messages HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
{ "text": "My name is Customer, and I need help", "attachments": [ { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg" } ] }
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
questionToken | true | Question token for which the message is added | string |
text | true | Message text | string |
attachments | false | Array of attachment objects | array of objects |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "", "data": { "messageId": "41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_18" } }
Accept Expert Answer
Accept the answer proposed by the expert.
//Request example
POST /api/v2/questions/e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8/messages/41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_18/accept HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
messageToken | true | Message token that should be accepted | string |
questionToken | true | Question token for which the rating is posted | string |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "" }
Post Answer Rating
Post answer rating after the conversation was finished
//Request example
POST /api/v2/questions/e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8/messages/!5261af8b5105422cabc89aac35d0b7aa_170263!/feedback HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
{ "feedbackSettings": { "text": "That was very useful answer", "feedbackLevel": 5 } }
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
messageToken | true | Message token for which the feedback is posted | string |
questionToken | true | Question token for which the feedback is posted | string |
text | true | Feedback text | string |
feedbackLevel | true | Rating from 1 to 5 | int |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "" }
Upload Attachment
Upload the attachment. This endpoint is used only for file uploading to the cloud and getting a url for this file. After this - url should be added into corresponding message from user.
Request example
POST /api/v2/attachments/upload HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="attachment.jpg"
File in the body
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "application/json", "data": { "attachment": { "url": "url", "name": "1400x800sr-60.jpg" } } }
Get Expert Profile
Retrieve the expert profile for the question.
Request example
GET /api/v2/experts/8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725/Cars HTTP/1.1 Host: X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d Authorization: Bearer {accessToken} UserIdToken: {userToken} Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Accept-Charset: utf-8
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
expertToken | true | Expert token for which we are retrieving profile | string |
categoryName | true | Category Name for the posted question | string |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": null, "data": { "token": "8c60d3c3fd5d47cd89194b9d0d23e725", "name": "Expert", "jobDescription": "Answering question", "rating": 4, "totalNumberOfRatings": 1, "avatarUrlBig": "url", "avatarUrlSmall": "url" } }
Mark Messages Read
Marks that messages were read by a customer.
//Request example
POST /api/v2/questions/e5e06b61d720437a8cd09c67b574e5e8/messages/!41ec32ee301f479ea77fd39eed839b42_18!/view HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}
X-Api-Key: 181d415f34379af07b2c11d144dfbe35d
UserIdToken: {userToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
questionToken | true | Question token for which the answer is posted | string |
messageToken | true | Latest read message token | string |
Example response
{ "status": true, "message": "" }
Webhook Notification
JustAnswer can call a webhook in your system to notify you of various events. To enable webhooks notifications, provide a callback URL to JustAnswer. All webhook parameters are submitted in JSON format. JustAnswer will pass specific parameters on your webhook URL as shown below:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Data Type |
eventType | true | Type of event | string |
questionId | true | Question Id for which event is generated | string |
userToken | true | User token associated with question | string |
Example request
{ "eventType": "1", "questionId": "12345", "userToken": "abcde12345" }